For 40 years, the Jewish Community Center of Middlesex County has served the community, providing cutting edge programs for adults of all ages, children and families and those in need. The JCC has had a strong presence and impact upon the Edison, Metuchen, Woodbridge, Highland Park, Monroe Township and surrounding communities, as well as the entire Middlesex and Monmouth County communities.
The JCC continues to grow, adapt and meet the changing needs and interests of our members and the greater community of participants seeking enrichment and social stimulation, health and wellness, education, culture and the arts, along with expanded programs for those seeking a warm, nurturing and safe environment for their children, families and for all those who come through our doors.
The JCC has done all of this and more with the leadership and support of hundreds of volunteers, lay leaders and supporters.
It is this leadership and support that continues to move the JCC forward and that now commits the JCC to its next era of development and to expanding and enhancing the programs, services and facilities which are vital to the JCC’s ability to continue to serve our members and the greater community.
Your gift ensures a strong, vital enriching future for the JCC and all those who enter its doors and are touched by its programs and services.